Digital security

Digital security assessments

From procurement through to use, digital assets are now the main feature of most sectors and environments. You buy, test and use the lock on your door; So ensure you do the same in your digital World

Digital footprints and know-your-self (KYS) checks

Who are you in the digital World, and how many people have taken your identity. Give you, your business and your loved ones the security and peace-of-mind to complete a full and holistic review of your digital footprint and KYS presence.

Digital asset and cloud purge

No longer are your secrets and most valuable documents under lock and key in a safe. They are spread globally across multiple devices, and often duplicated across cloud accounts and across the online space. Global Horizons can work with you to assess your information portfolio and liability, and assist you in securitizing your data, and purging the unneeded excess.